Pacific Textile Arts
Classroom Reconstruction Pledge Drive

“Some 30 years ago, we decided to attempt fund raising to buy our wonderful property on Alger Street in Fort Bragg. It felt like something worth pursuing. But it did seem more like a dream when we first began. Then, lo and behold, we made it. Thanks to all of you. I wanted that to be my first and only venture into the world of “Pledge Drives”. However, when the school district gave us the two buildings that now house our class- room and our library, it became clear that another fundraiser would be necessary to pay for having the two gifted buildings moved to and installed on our property. So we did a second one.

And all of you wonderful friends helped us to fund that move. After that was accomplished I swore that was the very last pledge drive I would ever attempt…..but OK, you guessed it…… I’m here again. And at my age, I really do hope it is the last time I will personally embark on this kind of project. The reason for it is compelling.

To Donate by check:
& mail or drop it off with your check.

Pacific Textile Arts Reconstruction Pledge Drive

To donate by card:


Several weeks ago, after questioning Tregoning Construction about the deteriorating look of the north wall of our weaving classroom, the answer to our questions was not what we wanted to hear. That whole wall needs to be rebuilt.

The fact is, the opposite wall on the south side of the building needed to and was rebuilt at the time of its installation. We are so lucky to have the two buildings, but this is a reminder to us all of how old they both are. We are so grateful to have them and feel that it will be better to face up to it now rather than when the damage creeps to the rest of the building.

So my absolutely last pledge drive is about to begin.

We are going to add one other need to the picture in hopes of saving both buildings. The library roof seems to have come to us with a large, permanent dip on the roof that causes universal alarm when we look down upon it from the upper story of the headquarters house whenever there is the slightest rain. Both builders and roofers have told us not to worry; “It will probably hold up just fine,” they say.

We now hold more than thirty five hundred precious textile oriented volumes in that building and we feel we must do something that will improve its situation…… Fill the “puddle area” with a non-porous material and then paint Flex Seal over the entire library roof. The cost of doing that will be added to our pledge drive in order to complete our current “fix it” needs.”

                                                                                                                                                         Jackie Wollenberg

Tuesday 1-4pm
Wednesday 10:30am-noon
Thursday 1-4pm
Saturday: 11am-1pm
& by appointment

450 Alger St. Fort Bragg CA 95437 707-409-6811